Discussion with displaced people in Walicakandi Present Situation, Future work
- So far 53 families out of 225 displaced families are settle down in the village.
- Farming activities have been started using water from reservoir.
- Villagers have started to grow vegetables for their own consumption through home gardening. The excess is selling to others and earning some income.
- 4.5Km of canal way have been cleaned and restored by the Ministry of economic development and another 3Km distance will be reconstruct by department of Irrigation.
- The reconstructions of canal way have helped them to increase farming capacity. Before renovation, they only have used 80 acres of lands for cultivation, but now they cultivate in 220 acres of land area.
- 6Km of electric fence to prevent Elephant intrusion to the village area have been completed. Another 2Km to be finished.
- One of entrance road to the WalicaKandy village have been reconstructed up to 2.5Km.
- Samurdhi program of the government have granted money for few widows in the village to start live stock farming on 50% repayment scheme.
- Issue on drinking water has been settled down up to certain level.
Issues facing in Present:
- Lack of sanitary facilities.
- Drinking water issue.
- In the rainy season it is hard to cross the bridge in the entarence road from Badulla main road since it is a low lying bridge, it disrupts the education of the children. Still have no consideration of the issue.
- People still living in temporary houses built with granted metal sheets. Level of security is less in these homes.
activities in Walicakandi village:
- Rural development society and farmers’ society have been established.
- A committee have been establish to work with National Fisheries Solidarity Movement and small groups of widows are active. .
- All societies, committees are working together when in need. Monthly they are meet together.
Self employments that can
practiced by widows:
- Livestock farming. (Chicken, Goat, Cattles)
- Home gardening.
- Preparation of Mats with natural materials.
- Sewing.
- Production of short eats and sweets.
20 women from Kopaweli.
Lavina Hasanthi – National
fisheries Solidarity.
A.Jesudasan – National fisheries Solidarity.
Punnimurthi Shashikaran – Coordinator,
Baticaloa District.
Selwakumar – A voluntary activist.