Sunday, September 28, 2014

A petition highlighting the issues of the fisheries sector, issues of women headed families and the basic issues which should be solved immediately in the 15 villages of two divisional secretariats was handed over the Assistance District Secretary, Fisheries Minister of Northern Province and the president of Urban Council in Mannar on 24 September 2014. The representatives of “ Walarpirai” committee of  women headed families related to National Fisheries Solidarity Movement, citizen forum in Musali and Northern Province Fisher People Unity participated to the campaign.
More than 100 participants consisting of fisherman and women coming from above sectors participated to the event. Campaigners marched to the town of Mannar from the district office of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement displaying the banners to hand over the petition.
The Assistance District Secretary agreed to be concerned this petition to the District Secretary and she concerned to convene a meeting on fisheries issues. The Assistance District Secretary will direct those issues to the women officer in the divisional secretariat office to further process. 

Accepting the petition, the Fisheries Minister of Northern Province explained what they have planned to implement in future. He promised to solve the unemployment issues of  the women headed families especially in Pallimunai and Thottaweli as well as he requested from National Fisheries Solidarity Movement to develop a plan on that purpose. The Fisheries Minister hopes to function through the district committees which were established by him to solve the issues of fisheries sector in district level. 


The president and the vice president of the Urban Council requested to be concerned the issues of the divisional secretariat domain for the Urban Council. They hope to convene a discussion inviting to the representatives in regional level soon. A. Antony Jesudasan, coordinator of North and East in NAFSO  Lavina Hasanthi, women coordinator of NAFSO, Banadic croos, District Coordinator in Mannar, J.M. Priyantha, Field officer in Mannar and  G.V.M.V.Florancy, Field officer in Mannar participated to the occasion. 

Some unidentified group always resorted behind the people and the activators when the people were marching to the town and handing over the petition. They took photos and videos of the participants even some participants had questioned by them. The representatives informed to the police about this incident.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The “PUNTHALE” district women headed committee decided to hand over a petition to the District Secretary being concerned the issues the women who are living in the camps as displaced people since 1990 on 29th of August 2014 in Jaffna. The committee wished to get concerning of the government to have some solutions for those issues. Not only that but also the committee decided to hold an oblation in the temple of the camp in the same day. Although they got a decision,  the committee was unable to conduct the oblation and hand over the petition  as they decided because the forces influenced not to organize the oblation  in the camp. Therefore, the committee stopped organizing the oblation on 29th of August 2014.

The district women headed committee convened a discussion with Miss. Anandi Sashikaran, members of Northern Provincial Council, Mr. Sajeevan, Vice President of Pradeshiya Sabha in Valikamam North, Mr. Herman Kuamar. National convener of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement and members of district women headed family over the existing situation. According to the above discussion, they got a decision to hand over the petition to district secretary and organize the oblation in the camp again on 05th of September 2014. Mr. Sajeevan who is the vice president of the Pradeshiya Sabha in Vlikamam North would have to lead for arranging the oblation. The committee members of women headed families’ prepared basic arrangements to hand over the petition.

Therefore, the petition was handed over the district secretary office with the participation of committee members of women headed families, the president of the Punthale committee, representatives from National Fisheries Solidarity Movement, representatives of civil organizations in Southern, Media persons, representatives of district fisheries solidarity in Jaffna and the leader of Konatkulam welfare camp. The district secretary was not in the office. The petition was handed over the administrative officer and there was a proper discussion on the issues the women face in the camps. The significant fact was that there was wider media coverage for the event.
Although the oblation was organized by the members of the “Sabapathi” camp and activators of the district fisheries solidarity in Jaffna in the temple of the camp in the evening of the same day, they had to stop holding the oblation because of the influence from the forces. The young women who involved organizing the religious event escaped due to the fear for forces. 

According to the situation, representatives of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement decided to convene a media discussion to explain the incident happened in the camp. The media discussion was used to concern about the existing situation of the “Sabapathi” camp as well as the issues of the displaced people since 1990. The representatives who came from Southern appeared to find solutions insuring the people’s rights.  They mentioned that southern people would like to be strength for northern people to find solutions on those issues.




Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The “PUNTHALE “  women district committee

The “PUNTHALE “  women district committee is functioned with the representation of  members who come from women headed families as well as displaced families  in Sabapathi camp, Konatkulam camp, Kannagi camp, Needavan camp, Yogapuram  01 camp, Saraswathi 01camp and some villages such as Sarasvathi02,  Selvapuram and Sunnagam. The committee members of Sabapathi camp proposed to organize an oblation in the temple of the camp. Therefore, an oblation was organized to get a concern of the government to settle the people who are living as displaced families in the Sabapathi camp since 1990 in their own villages as well as to solve the problems of the women in the camp. They had planned to arrange a discussion  with political parties and civil organizations about the experience they faced within last 24 years based on the main event.
The women district committee had also planned to hand over latter to the district secretary emphasizing the basic issues the women are facing in the area. Although they had ready to hold the oblation, the security forces threatened not to organize the event. The forces also obstructed to hand over the prepared letter to the district secretary.
The young women tried to hold the oblation even in the mist of threatens but finally they changed their decision because of the intervention of their parents, elders and relatives. The women informed about the situation to the district coordinator of NAFSO in Jaffna. The district coordinator arranged a meeting with the women at 3pm in the same day. 
Some representatives were invited to the meeting.  Miss. S. Anandi,  the minister of women in the provincial council in the North, Mr. Sageevan, vice president of the Pradeshiya sabha in Thelippalei, Mr. Herman Kumara, National Convener of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement, Miss. Lavina Hasanthi, women coordinator of NAFSO, Mr.Jesudasan, North East Coordinator, NAFSO. Mr. Imbanayagam, district coordinator of NAFSO in Jaffna, Ms, T, Jayachichra, animator, Mr. S. Subramaniyam, the president of the committee of district fisheries solidarity and Miss.Selva malar, the president of “ PUNTHALE”district women committee participated to the meeting.
The situation was analyzed in the meeting and aware the women to go head strengthening the women group. They decided to organize the oblation in future.  






Date: 2014.06. 26     
Venue: Vilankulam, Trincomalee

Village level members in Muththunagar, Vilankulam,
Program Contents:
  • Feedback of previous  program
Explanation given below of the weaknesses
  • Making of clay and cement  mixture planting pond for making liquid manure 

Equipments, animals and goods were provided for 28 women headed families to develop their existing self employments at the district office of National Fisheries Solidarity Movement in Mannar on 10th of June 2014. This is the second step of providing assistance for the women headed families in the North and East. NAFSO has provided animals, goods and equipments for 109 women headed families from Arippu, Mullikulam, Saveriyarpuram, Kondachchikuda, Chilawathurei, Thottaveli, Potkeni, Pesali and Pallimune in local governmental areas of Musali and Mannar in 2013. 

 In 2013 October we were able to provide goods, Equipments and animals for 130 women of  Love Land, Killikunchu malai, Villankulam Muththunaggar, Kuramalaiutiu, Poompahar, Sally, Veeranagar and Kaputthurai on the second pace in May 2014 we were able to provide another 112 women.
Participation of the event-
Selvarajajah           - Chairmanurban council Trincomalee
G. Nithithasan        - EHED – Charitas Derector          
Herman Kumara     - National Convener of NAFSO
Antony Jesudasn   - Coordinator of North and East
Lavina Hasanthi     - Coordinator of women program
Gamini                  - Coo- Council - President
Nadeshwary Jeyaram – Coo- Council secretary
President of the regional committee
President of the committee of women headed family
President of village committee


Equipments for women from Chenkaladi DS

Equipments, tools and animals were distributed for 93 selected women headed families from Thopaweli, Velikakandi, Thumpalachcholei,Kithul and Urugamam in Chenkaladi divisional secretariat division in Betticalo district at the end of the previous year. As the second step of this process, we distributed tool, equipments and animals for 55 women of women headed family and poorest family in the same villages to strengthen the economic background of them through developing different income generation activities.

Date- 25th of April 2014
Venue- Temple of Jayasmanaramaya, Trincomalee
Objective of the training-
To provide technical training to make sweet for the women headed families who have already engaged with this industry as well as women who are expecting join to sweet production.  It concerned to provide knowledge for the women to make good quality productions in this training. 


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