Thursday, July 29, 2021


National Fisheries Solidarity Movement has already prepared a database in relation to the political, social, economical and cultural situation of the women in the network.  The women section of the organization has started updating the foresaid information according to the existing context of the country. The process has been began covering 10 districts in the south, north and east such as Jaffna, Mullathive, Killinochchi, Mannar, Ampara, Betticaloa, Puttlam, Gampaha and Galle. In the meanwhile of gathering the existing information, it collects the proposals of the women members in order to prepare an overall proposal accordance of political, economical, social and cultural situation with the purpose of submitting the relevant government authorities for the consideration and taking action based on the issues of the proposal. It has planned to launch the finalized women proposal in the world fisheries day commemoration which has been planned by National Fisheries Solidarity Movement on 21 of November, 2020.

The process of gathering information is being conducted in many places of the network. Puttlam District Fisheries Solidarity has gathered information from the women in Palliwasalpaduwa, Palai and Thambapanni women committees on 1 of November, 2020.  Killinochchi District Fisheries Solidarity has gathered information in Kiranch women committee on 2 of November 2020. District staff has taken the responsibility to gather information from the women. According to the process, it has met women in Waleipadu on 2 of November, Gimron Nagar in Mannar on 3 of November and  Yogapauaram welfare camp in Jaffna in the same day in order to gather information. The process is being conducted by the district staff so far. 

 The women section of the National Fisheries Solidarity Movement has launched a program to assist the women and women headed families to enhance their economic situation in the meanwhile implementing various programs to empower the women in different ways.  It has a process such as selecting the most suitable beneficiaries, guide them to develop individual business plan, filtering the beneficiaries with a validation, proving assistance according to the selected business and keep monitoring. Puttlam District Fisheries Solidarity is one of the partner organizations of NAFSO. It arranged a program to provide livelihood assistance for 5 women headed families located in Palliwasalpaduwa. The event was organized by Mrs. M.T.F. Nafura, Animator and Mr. M.H.M. Siyaj, Volunteer of Puttlam District Fisheries Solidarity Movement in Palliwasalpaduwa on 31, October 2020.



The committee meeting of Ponnilawa Women group which is animated by Praja Shakthi Sahayogitha Forum was conducted with 10 women, on 31st October, at the home of Ms. Sandya Jayawardene, the Treasurer of the group. Mr.Sampath Jayawardene, the field Activist of the organization presided the meeting and the main focus of the discussion was the New COVID situation and the role of women to prevent from the infection of the disease. Mr. Priyankara Costa, the training officer of NAFSO educated the women on the current level of spreading of COVID. 

At the same time, the savings and lending money, and future plans were also discussed. And the importance of engagement and spreading the idea in organic home gardens and receiving seeds were also discussed at the meeting. Finally it was decided to conduct a monitoring visit of the home gardens at the end of November... 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


Empowering the fundamental rights of women and empowering them to uplift their livelihood is a significant role of the women's movement of the National Fisheries Solidarity Movement.  Realizing this task, the National Fisheries Solidarity Movement provided livelihood assistance to 15 women headed households and selected 05 women leaders in the Puttlam District on October 21, 2020. The event was held at the Puttalum District Fisheries Office.

In the Puttalam District, women are engaged in fishing, animal husbandry such as goat and poultry. They are also involved in coir industry’ dress making and production of dry fish. 

In order to empower the livelihood of women, equipment’s and animals were given to improve their livelihoods through these industries. Today, Puttlaum Rural Women's Committees create district women's activities and encourage women's income streams. The main objective of this program was to create a self-sufficient by raising the income level of the housewife in Puttlam. 

Mr.Herman Kumara, Convener of the National Fisheries Solidarity Movement, Mrs. Lavina Hasanthi, Women's Affairs Coordinator of the National Fisheries Cooperation Movement, Mr.Anthony Jesudasan, Coordinator of Peace and Reconciliation for the People, Mr. Loyel Peries, Volunteer Mr. Siyadath, Coordinator of the Puttalum District, Mrs. A. Jayawathi Coordinator for Karuwalagaswewa, community mobilizer for Puttlam, Miss Nafra  were also present on the occasion.  

පුත්තලම් දිස්ති‍්‍රක් ගෘහමූලික කාන්තාවන්ගේ ජිවනෝපාය නගා සිටුවිමේ අරමුණින් ජාතික ධීවර සහයෝගිතා ව්‍යාපාරයේ කාන්තා අංශය නිරන්තරයෙන්ම කාන්තාවන් හා සම්බන්ධ වී කටයුතු කරයි. කාන්තාවන්ගේ අයිතිවාසිකම් බලසතු කරනවා මෙන්ම ඔවුන්ගේ ආර්ථිකය ද බලසතු කිරීම ජාතික ධිවර සහයෝගිතා ව්‍යාපාරයේ ප‍්‍රධාන කාර්යභාර්යකි.

කාන්තාව්නගේ අයිතිවාසිකම් වෙනුවෙන් හඩක් නගා ඉදිරියට යා හැකි ඉදිරි පියවර නිර්මාණ කිරීමට ඔවුන්ගේ ආර්ථික බලසතු කිරීම අනිවාර්යෙන්ම කළ යුතු කාර්යකි. ඒ බව වටහා ගත් ජතික ධීවර සහයෝගිතා ව්‍යාපාරය පුත්තලම් දිස්ති‍්‍රක් ධීවර සහයෝගිතා ව්‍යාපාරය හා අත්වැල් බැදගනිමින් ගෘහමූලික කාන්තාවන් 15 දෙනෙකු තවත් කාන්තාවන් 05 වෙත උපකරණ හා සතුන් ලබා දීම 2020 ඔක්තෝම්බර් මස 21 වන දින පුත්තලම් දිස්ති‍්‍රක් ධිවර සහයෝගිතා කාර්යාලයේදී පැවැත්විණි   

 මෙම අවස්ථාව සදහා ජතික ධීවර සහයෝගිතා ව්‍යාපාරයේ ජාතික කැදවුම්කාරතුමන් වන හර්මන් කුමාර මහතා ද එම සංවිධානයේ කාන්තා කටයුතු සම්බන්ධිකාරිකා ලවීනා හසන්ති මහත්මිය ද එම සංවිධානයේ ජනතාව සහ ජනතාව අතර සාමය සහ සන්හිදියාව ගොඩනැගීමේ සම්බන්ධිකාරක ඇන්තනී ජේසුදාසන් මහතා ද පුත්තලම් දිස්ති‍්‍රක් සම්බන්ධිකාරක ලොයෙල් පිරීස් මහතා ද පුත්තලම් දිස්ති‍්‍රක් සජිවිකා නෆ්රා මහත්මිය ද ස්වේච්ඡුාවෙන් කටයුතු කරන සියදත් මහතා ද කරුවලගස්වැව සම්බන්ධිකාරික ඒ.ඒ ජයවතී මහත්මිය ද කල්පිටිය ප‍්‍රදේශයේ සම්බන්ධිකාරක පද්මනාදන් මහතා ද මෙම අවස්ථාව සදහා සම්බන්ධ වූහ. සාමාන්‍යයෙන් පුත්තලම් දිස්ති‍්‍රක්කයේ සත්ත්ව පාලනය යටතේ එළුවන් හා කුකුළන් පාලනය කරන අතර කරවල නිෂ්පාදනය ද සුලභ කර්මාන්තයකි, එමෙන්ම කොහු නිෂ්පාදනය ද නිමි ඇදුම් විකිණීම ද දක්නට ලැබේ, මෙම රැුකියා සදහා අතදීමක් වශයෙන් පුත්තලම් දිස්ති‍්‍රක් ගෘහමූලික කාන්තාවන්ගේ ජිවනෝපාය සංවර්ධනය සදහා මෙම උපකරණ හා සතුන් ලබා දීම සිදු කරන ලදී         

 Empowering the fundamental rights of women and empowering them to uplift their livelihood is a significant role of the women's movement of the National Fisheries Solidarity Movement.  Realizing this task, the National Fisheries Solidarity Movement provided livelihood assistance to 15 housewives and selected women leaders from 06 selected villages in the Kilinochchi District on October 20, 2020. The event was held at the Kilinochchi District Fisheries Office.

In the Kilinochchi District mainly fishing, animal husbandry, goat and poultry are also found in the coir industry and housewives are also engaged in these industries. In order to empower the livelihood of women, equipment and animals were provided to improve their livelihoods through these industries.

Today, Kilinochchi Rural Women's Committees create district women's activities and encourage women's income streams. The main objective of this program is to create a self-sufficient by raising the income level of the housewife in Kilinochchi.

Mrs. Lavina Hasanthi, Women's Affairs Coordinator of the National Fisheries Cooperation Movement, Mr. Anthony Jesudasan, Coordinator of Peace and Reconciliation for the People, Mr. Sadishwaram, Coordinator of the Kilinochchi District and Mr. Amalajivani and Jayarani, two community animators were also present on the occasion.  




Validation Meeting to verify the data received for the livelihood program in Kilinochchi. The livelihood program that operates under ‘NAFSO ‘Gender Program conducted a validation meeting recently In Kilinochchi. The livelihood program has collected information related to the beneficiaries before finalizing the selection process. In order to verify the collected data a validation meeting was held at the ‘District Fisheries Organization’ in, Jayapuram, Kilinochchi, on the 6th October 2020.

This process was done on one to one basis, with the beneficiary members as this information will then submit to the selection committee. 15 beneficiary members from 06 villagers have participated for this event.

Mrs. Laviina Hasanthi, Coordinator, Gender and Development Program and Coordinator, Mr. Jesudasan, of People to People dialogue on Peace and sustainable development program facilitated the meeting. District Coordinator Mr.Satheeshvaran, District Animators, Mrs.  Amalajeevani and Jayarani of DIFSO Kilinochchi, organized in this validation meeting.


An enterprise development training was conducted for women headed families who are the members of Batticaloa district Fisheries Solidarity movement in Batticaloa on 14th of October 2020. 15 women headed families who have planned to small scale businesses develop such as poultry farming, Animal husbandry. The participants were educated to develop an individual business plan in order to implement their business as well. The training was held the office of District Fisheries Movement in Batticaloa. Mrs.Laveena Hasanthi, Coordinator, Gender and Development program and Mr.Anthoney Jesudasan, Coordinator Of People to People dialogues on pease, Mr.Kannan, Resource Persorn, district animater, Miss, Nirosha of DIFSO Batticaloa participated in this individual business plane training.


An Enterprise Development Training was conducted for women headed families who are the members of Puttlam Disrict Fisheries Organization in Puttlam. on 1 st of October 2020. 15 women headed families who have planned to develop small scale businesses such as Tailoring, Small shop, poultry farming , Animal husbandary. The participants were educated to develop an individual bussiness plan in order to implement their bussiness as well.

The training was held at the office of Puttlam District Fisheries Oraganization.
Mrs. Laviina Hasanthi, Coordinator, Gender and Development Program and Mr. kannan, Resource person, SEFE, District Coordinator Mr. Loyel peris, District animator, Miss. Nafra, Mr. Pathmanadan and volunteer Mr. Siyad of DIFSO Puttlam also participated in this individual business plane training programme.


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